Book Reviews, Mini-Reviews

Catch Up Mini-Reviews šŸ“‘

Since we're past the midpoint of the year and it's been a wild ride in both my reading life and personal life, I've decided to relieve some stress over the books I've read but haven't reviewed yet. I'm thinking about doing this type of thing more frequently just so I don't feel stressed trying to… Continue reading Catch Up Mini-Reviews šŸ“‘

Bookish, WWW Wednesday

WWW Wednesday šŸ—“ļø | June 7, 2023

This weekly book feature/meme is hosted by Sam at Taking On A World of Words. Here I will answer the questions: ā€¢ What did you read last? ā€¢ What are you currently reading? ā€¢ What will you read next? ā€¢ So here's another fun thing for me to try! I'm loving these weekly book "memes"… Continue reading WWW Wednesday šŸ—“ļø | June 7, 2023